Bazar Rakyat Siantar Top

August 17th becomes the most-awaited moment for the Indonesian people. Indonesian people has so many activities to commemorate the independence day. Usually, PT. Siantar Top commemorates the independence day by organizing public bazaar. This year, the public bazaar was held for two days start on August 26 until 27 August 2017 at PT. Siantar Top Jl. Tambak Sawah 21-23 Waru Sidoarjo. Moreover Mr. Saifullah Yusuf as vice governor of east java and Mr. H Saiful Lah as Sidoarjo regent also attended the bazaar and gave the opening speech to all visitors.  There were 41 stands in the bazaar, with a wide range of food products, electronics and fashion. The bazaar was attended approximately 5000 visitors including employees of PT. Siantar Top. At the bazaar, there were some doorprizes for the lucky visitors, such as 5 motorcycles, refrigerators, televisions, bikes, gas cookers and other entertainment prizes.


Siantar Top “Best Of The Best Award 2017”

In 2017, PT. Siantar Top get the award “Best Of The Best Award 2017” from Forbes as one of the best companies in Indonesia. The award is a very valuable thing for PT. Siantar Top, because it shows the hard work for consumer satisfaction.

Moreover, PT. Siantar Top received the trifecta award as the company who gets the “Best Of The Best Award” for 3 years in a row since 2015. PT. Siantar Top gives thank to all employees, consumers, suppliers, distributors, shareholder for the cooperation, hard work, creativities, and dedication to the company. Futhermore, PT. Siantar Top always wants to give the best products with the best taste for all customers.


Exibition Anuga (Allgemeine Nahrung Genussmitel Austellung) 2017 in Germany

International Food and Beverage Exhibition was held by Anuga (Allgemeine Nahrung Genussmitel Austellung) on ​​7 – 11 October 2017 in Cologne, Germany. The event was held in order to promote food and beverage products around the world. This five-day exhibition could invite 165.000 visitors from 198 countries and participated by 7.400 entrepreneurs from 107 countries. Including Indonesia, there were 18 companies joined the exhibition and belongs to Indonesia Pavilion. In addition, PT. Siantar Top as company that produce snacks and biscuits in Indonesia also joined the exhibition. At the exhibition, Siantar Top introduce its superior product such as Twistko, French Fries 2000, Suki, Gemez Enaak, Spix Mie Goreng, Goriorio Vanilla and new products such as Modena Butter Cookies, Modena Cookies.

PT. Siantar Top at Anuga exhibition 2017 was expected to get the market not only in Germany, but also the markets in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Middle East.

Top Brand Award 2017 “French Fries 2000”

Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada great people yang telah mempercayai produk-produk unggulan kami, sehingga PT. Siantar Top dapat meraih penghargaan “Top Brand Award 2017” untuk produk French Fries 2000. Karena kepercayaan konsumen merupakan motivasi kami untuk menjadi yang lebih baik.


Siantar Top Goes To School at Great Crystal School and Course Center Surabaya

Siantar Top Goes To School at Great Crystal School and Course Center Surabaya

April 21st 2017

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There are a lot of activities that PT. Siantar Top have, which especially held by our below the line team. One of its activity is Siantar Top Goes To School. In order to commemorate Kartini day and Easter day celebration, Siantar Top Goes To School was held on Friday April 21st 2017 at Great Crystal School and Course Center Surabaya.

Siantar Top brought a fun competition event to the students, especially kindergarten and primary student. The competitions were find-the-flag and coloring competition. Moreover, PT. Siantar Top gave award to the winner of the competition a trophy, certificate and goodie bag. At the end of the event, PT. Siantar Top gave a souvenir to Great Crystal School and Course Center Surabaya. In addition, PT. Siantar Top also held snack and biscuit bazaar, which present new product of PT. Siantar Top, such as Modena Butter Cookies, Modena Cereal Cookies, Superman My Choco Boom, Choco Fun and Choco Nut.

Please wait for the next Siantar Top Goes To School event. If you want your school to be visited by us, please reach us on our social media


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Instagram       : Siantartop

Easter Celebration at Aphostolic Community Church Surabaya

Decorate easter eggs has been the most-awaited traditions in Easter celebration, especially for children. The participants are Aphostolic Community Church children which sit in kindergarten and elementary level. They looked very excited to celebrate and ready to decorate the easter eggs. The event was held on Sunday April 9th 2017 started at 08.30 AM. There was no special theme to decorate the easter eggs. The children decorated eggs according to their creativity and imagination. As a result, they created creative eggs which look like minions, rabbits, superheroes to angry bird characters.


In addition, PT. Siantar Top was invited to participate in that event by holding snack and biscuit bazaar. The participants can buy the product from PT. Siantar Top such as Twistko Keju, Go Malkist Madu, Superman My Choco Boom, My Choco Fun, My Choco Nut, Modena Cereal Cookies and Modena Butter Cookies. At the end of the event, the crew of PT. Siantar Top gave the participants goodie bag and all the participants were very happy and enjoy snacks and biscuit from PT. Siantar Top.

Indonesia Pavillion 2016

Siantar Top goes to Saudi Arabia!

In the event that was held OIC or Organisation Of Islamic Coorperation, PT. Siantar Top Tbk follow international exhibition that was held in Saudi Arabia, which was also attended by participants from various countries.


Hopefully with a wide range of posotive things that have been done, can make Siantar Top product more loved by consumers …

Top Brand For Kids 2016

Repeat the success of 2015, PT. Siantar Top again won the “TOP BRAND for KIDS 2016” for products Mie Gemez. Thanks to the great people who already believe in our products and remain loyal to use it to this day. Because consumer confidence is our motivation to be better..