Information’s Related to Shareholders Meeting
Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) 2020
Advertisement of Notice for GMS 2020
Advertisement of Call for GMS
GMS Documents 2020
Advertisement of Minutes of GMS 2020
Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) 2021
Advertisement of Notice for GMS 2021
Advertisement of Call for GMS 2021
GMS Documents 2021
Advertisement of Minutes of GMS 2021
Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) 2021
Advertisement of Notice for EGMS 2021
Advertisement of Call for EGMS 2022
EGMS Documents 2022
Advertisement of Minutes of EGMS 2022
Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) 2022
Advertisement of Notice for GMS 2022
Advertisement of Call for GMS 2022
GMS Documents 2022
Advertisement of Minutes of EGMS 2022
Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) 2023
Advertisement of Notice for GMS 2023
Advertisement of Call for GMS 2023
GMS Documents 2023
Advertisement of Minutes of EGMS 2023
Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) 2024
Advertisement of Notice for GMS 2024
Advertisement of Call for GMS 2024
GMS Documents 2024
Advertisement of Minutes of EGMS 2024
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