PT Siantar Top Distributed Packages to Society Affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic

PT Siantar Top held a Social Service Event by distributing packages for the society affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic on Friday, 10 September 2021.

The event held in Tambak Rejo Hall, Waru, Sidoarjo, PT Siantar Top provides a package consist of a sack of rice and noodles. A symbolic handover was given from the Siantar Top Representatives, Mrs. Nyari and Dewi. Then will be distributed by the headman to thousands of residents.

Siantar Top representative hopes that this help as a form of social and humanity toward others in facing this Covid-19 pandemic. We all hope that the condition will get better in time. May all remain optimist in facing this pandemic by implementing the 5M health protocol.


Siantar Top and FKUB Sidoarjo donated the the foods to Al Jaddid Sidoarjo Boarding School.

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To celebrate the Hijri New Year, Siantar Top together with Forum Komunikasi Umat Beragama (FKUB) Sidoarjo held a Social Service event as a form of social responsibility to the society.

The event was held on Thursday, 19 August 2021 at Al Jadid Boarding School, Karangtanjung, Candi, Sidoarjo. The bags consist of foods and funds to be distribute for the orphans and elders which had previously chosen by the team. Dewi, the Siantar Top representatives hope this event can be useful for the society.

Let’s pray this Covid-19 Pandemic will end soon and may all remain disciplined in implementing the health protocol in public area.

Remember the 5M protocol, wearing masks, wash hands with soap and running water, keep distance with others, avoid crowds and reduce mobility.

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Caring for Others, Siantar Top held a Corporate Social Responsibility Program


To celebrate the 76th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, on 14 August, Siantar Top together with the Police conduct a Corporate Responsibility Event.
The event was held on Saturday at Kalikajang, Gebang, Sidoarjo which attended by the head and members of the police and Dewi as the Siantar Top Peduli representative
To help preventing the Covid-19 disease in East Java, we also conduct a vaccination event.
In the end of the event, we distributed goodie bags for the society. Each of the bags contains snacks and funds.
We hope that this activity can be useful for the society. May all remain disciplined in implementing the 5M health protocol (Wearing masks, Wash hands with soap and running water, keep distance with others, avoid crowds and reduce mobility) and succeed the government’s vaccination program.


PT Siantar Top consistently gives scholarship funds to the workers’ outstanding children

Since 2007, PT Siantar Top has been consistently contributes towards the development of education in Indonesia.
This event held is based on the awareness that education is one of the way to increase prosperity.
On Sunday, 4th of October 2020, located in PT Siantar Top Head Office, Tambak Sawah Street number 21 – 23, Waru, Sidoarjo, PT Siantar Top conduct the Scholarship 2020 event.

The scholarship fund was given to more than 3,600 outstanding students.The students come from various educational backgrounds namely, Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School, and Undergraduate Students all over Indonesia.

This is an annual event held by the company with the Indonesian Workers Union of Cigarettes, Tobacco, Food, and Beverages (SPSI RTMM).

Unlike last year that was held more exciting by inviting the parents and students, this year was held more confidential due to Covid-19 pandemic.

The scholarship fund was symbolically handed over by Mr Iriyanto as the management Representatives and Mr SM Anto as the Siantar Top’s SPSI Representatives to 278 outstanding students.
The achievers are children of Siantar Top Group workers that have received the certificated of achievements from the schools and universities all over Indonesia.
PT Siantar Top Group hopes that the scholarship funds can improve the quality of human resource in Indonesia, who are ready to enter the workforce in the future